Xara designer pro x9 templates
Xara designer pro x9 templates

xara designer pro x9 templates

Click here for more information on the Mask Tool and Region Tool. Hold down the Alt key and you can use your scroll wheel on your mouse to increase or decrease the size of the brush. Release the Alt key at the end of the straight line, then hold it down to start a new straight line. If you hold down the Alt key, you can stretch the operation in a straight line like a rubber band. TIPS: If you hold down the Shift key, the operation switches to erase, so you can add to or remove areas of the Mask and Region as you draw. And there is special use of the Mask Tool which will be covered shortly. The Mask Painter Tool can also be used with the Content Aware Tool to preserve a portion of a photo. The examples on the right indicate various regions and masks (the regions are defined by a dashed outline while masks are transparent pink areas). Or just zoom in and out and the nib remains the same size. You can adjust the size of the Region Painter and the Shape Painter making it faster to paint/select a large portion of an area, then reduce the size of the brush for more detail. Once you have created your Region or Mask, use the Photo Tool > Enhance options to adjust the Brightness, Contrast, Saturation, Color Temperature, Hue, and Sharpness/Blur. The Region and Mask Tools let you create a selection with an adjustable sized brush or a pen ( Region Tool only).

xara designer pro x9 templates

Or you can flatten the edits into a new bitmap ( Arrange menu). The photo edits you make are non-destructive vector shapes, which means you can remove any photo edits by selecting the edited area (hold down the Ctrl key and click and press Delete). A Region lets you edit within the selection while a Mask protects the contents of the selection. Creating a region or a mask lets you isolate an area of a photo or vector object without effecting other areas in the photo or drawing. Mask and Region Tools Right below the Selector Tool (the arrow pointer) is the all new Mask and Region Tools fly out menu. Many of the fly out menus have also changed and I will cover some of these as we get to them. In the example shown here, the reorganized Photo Tool fly out now contains the FX Tool for applying filters to images, and a new tool the Photo Heal Tool, which we’ll get to a bit later. Photo Editing The first thing I should mention before we launch into the new Photo Editing tools is there has been some reorganizing of the fly out menus.

Xara designer pro x9 templates